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There is a legend which tells that the child in his mother's womb possesses all the knowledge of the world. He knows how many stars in the sky, how many drops of water in the sea, how many living things in the oceans and on the earth, how many grains of sand in the desert. He knows all the mysteries of the entire Universe.

As he emerges from the sea to take his first breath, a finger lands in front of his mouth sealing forever the secrets he holds and a voice whispers to him: "Learn"

For the child of the earth who emerges from the great ocean an endless quest begins. He will explore, discover, invent, make mistakes, start over, seek again, love, look and sometimes see. To see it takes time and a look and in this busy world few take this path.

Some, however, have found what is neither a path nor a road but a space beyond the continents that surround them, a space still unknown: the seas and oceans.

These men are sailors who would be nothing without their boat. Some lead them far, others lead them quickly and there are some who lead them to the rhythm of the winds, to sail.

These sailboats and these men will be confronted with another sometimes harsh, fierce, disproportionate world but also sparkling, luminous, infinite and singing. They go back there and go back again because there a unique relationship is played out, made up of limits to be exceeded in order to be able to taste these moments of intensity of life.

This world is wild and virgin, no trace left by the bow of the sailboat.

The seafarer is there either in vigilance or in contemplation, whatever the conditions. Without escape, he is faced with the strength and beauty of the world and this other world brings us back to the essential: oneself facing life. Yet, far from everyone's eyes, this world is suffering. Some have discovered a 6th continent of floating waste there, the fruit of our unconsciousness. Men no longer have the choice to close their eyes and some now dedicate their lives to finding solutions. So, before it is too late, that simply by ignorance or lack of information we one day discover the unthinkable, a group of men and women unite today to set out again at sea to reveal this world , to testify to it, to try to show its richness, its strength and its beauty, its fragile balance. Let us marvel the children, let them discover the seas and oceans so that one day in awareness and harmony they may be offered encounters and glances exchanged with THE PEOPLES OF THE SEA

We will go to meet them because there is a legend which tells that in their mother's womb THE PEOPLES OF THE SEA have all the knowledge of the world. They know how many stars in the sky, how many drops of water in the sea, how many living beings in the oceans and on the earth, how many grains of sand in the desert. They know all the mysteries of the entire Universe. As they emerge from the sea to take their first breath,

their mothers blow on their mouths and whisper to them:


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