look and experience the sea differently
SOUTENEZ un bateau pour la science participative citoyenne dans le Golfe du Lion
Face aux changements climatiques accélérés et aux pressions anthropiques croissantes, la préservation de la biodiversité marine dans le Golfe du Lion devient une urgence. Afin de mieux comprendre et protéger cet écosystème fragile, nous avons besoin de votre aide !
notre projet
Ce bateau sera bien plus qu’un simple moyen de transport : il deviendra une plateforme inter-associative pour explorer, surveiller et étudier la biodiversité marine du golfe du Lion.
Pourquoi un bateau ?
Exploration et surveillance : nous pourrons mener des missions régulières pour surveiller l’état de la biodiversité et détecter les signes de perturbation dans cet écosystème marin précieux.
Collecte de données : grâce à des équipements spécialisés, nous recueillerons des données essentielles sur les espèces marines et leur environnement.
Science participative : le bateau permettra aux citoyens de collaborer avec des chercheurs, rendant la science accessible et impliquant le public dans la préservation de notre mer.
Comment pouvez-vous nous aider ?
Votre contribution financière est essentielle pour acheter le bateau, l’équiper et développer nos activités de recherche. Chaque don compte et contribuera directement à la sauvegarde de notre patrimoine marin. En soutenant ce projet, vous participez à une action concrète pour la protection de la Méditerranée, vous favorisez l’éducation environnementale et vous renforcez votre engagement citoyen pour notre planète.
ERICH HOYT interview
AIRE MARINE EDUCATIVE DE LEUCATE 2023, 1ère sortie en mer
The association is defined as having a goal of general interest, by being at the service of the protection of biodiversity, of Nature, and more specifically of living beings in the sea and on the sea, which are called "The Peoples of the sea ".
In its means of action, the association includes scientific, educational, legal and artistic aspects. Its purpose is to make the public, professionals and users of the sea aware of the current and future challenges of preserving natural balances with “the Peoples of the Sea”, and to work for the preservation of the “Peoples of the Sea”. »In a pacifist, apolitical, positive and hopeful approach for the decades to come.
The association's goal is to deploy any action to
Make known to as many people as possible “the Peoples of the Sea,” their living conditions and balance, the impact of human activities on this balance, and the short and medium term threats.
Make children aware of the need to preserve biodiversity and a balance between human activities and “the Peoples of the Sea” through educational actions
Protect “the Peoples of the Sea,” biodiversity and the environment by deploying scientific observation missions, artistic and documentary productions, conferences, exhibitions and digital media ...
Work to restore the balance between human activities in the maritime domain with "the Peoples of the Sea" by in particular
with maritime professional activities
with boating and maritime activities
by ensuring the impact of chemical, light and sound pollution in the sea and on biodiversity
Disseminate knowledge on the state of the marine environment and its inhabitants.
Promote education by showing and explaining the challenges of preserving the marine environment.
Promote the efforts to protect the natural terrestrial environment by showing the close relationship between the terrestrial environment and the maritime environment.
In its means of action, the association includes scientific, educational, legal and artistic aspects. Its purpose is to make the public, professionals and more broadly sea users aware of the current and future challenges of preserving natural balances with “the Peoples of the Sea”, and to work towards the preservation of the “Peoples of the Sea”. the Sea ”in a pacifist, apolitical, positive and hopeful approach for the decades to come.